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Megan Woods is from a small town in Northern Massachusetts where God planted a love for music in her at a really young age. Even though she grew up in a Christian home with an amazing Christian family, she didn’t have a personal relationship with God. 

Throughout her entire life Megan had always struggled with self worth and believing she was worthy of love. She felt like no matter where she turned she was never good enough, which led her to the lowest point in her life. In that very moment she got a phone call from one of the closest people in her life, and they had just had a near death experience happen to them. They said to her word for word, “Megan, Jesus Christ is real.” In her lowest, most desperate moment Jesus saved her life. 


Megan then got herself in church, in the Word, and she started leading worship at her home church and God changed every single last thing about her life for the better. Shortly after, God spoke to her and revealed that singing for Jesus was what she was supposed to do with her life. Megan explains, “It was the most intense feeling I’ve ever experienced. It wasn’t like God was poking me, he was grabbing me by the shoulders and calling me to something larger than I could even imagine. Now I want nothing more than to tell people about Jesus through my music and share the story of the work God has done in my life.”


Developing her relationship with Christ through her songwriting began the process of healing. Leaning into God’s love after coming from a place of worthlessness shows up in all the songs she writes. “I hope people come to know Jesus how I’ve come to know Him,” Woods says. “A lot of people talk about how we need to love God, but I want people to realize God loves them! Sometimes we forget that He loved us first.”


Woods’ debut single “The Truth,” a driving piano ballad that showcases her powerhouse alto vocals, is a deeply personal proclamation. “This song is my life story,” Woods says. “I wanted to write a song that’s a reminder for people every day of who they are in Jesus. We don’t belong to the lies, we belong to God – that’s the truth. When the lies are closing in, this song can remind them of the truth.”


Megan Woods signed a record deal in 2022 with Fair Trade Services (MercyMe, Phil Wickham), signed with booking agency Platform Artists (Chris Tomlin, TobyMac), and is managed by Jason Davis and his team at Noble Management (Austin French, Emerson Day).


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